Elevator Talk

My past as a salesman, sales trainer and sales manager is coming back to haunt me with the renewed call for every Rotarian having an elevator speech to roll off the tip of their tongue regarding Rotary. If you don’t know what I am talking about; an elevator talk is a well thought out mini sales presentation that you can deliver in the time required to ride the elevator ride.  Most likely in response to the question, “What is Rotary?”

It tickles my imagination to know that we are experiencing that question and thinking about every Rotarian having a ready-made answer. My concern is the answers that everyone seems to be developing and rehearsing. I am hearing a lot of answers that cite the statistics about how many members, clubs and countries topped off with a comment about eliminating Polio and establishing world peace.

Going back to those days as a salesman, sales trainer and sales manager reminds me of the old adage to sell the ‘sizzle’ not the steak. It seems like all of those statistics are descriptions (features) of the steak and don’t convey the appeal of the sizzle or the satisfaction of the taste.

So what is the benefit of Rotary and how can you quickly convey the sizzle during a short elevator ride? Every Rotarian needs to give some thought to what benefits they see from their membership in Rotary. Here is an example of what I would use as an elevator talk when given the opportunity.

Rotary is an organization that I belong to. Not only has it provided me with many friendships, but it has also been one of the most inspirational and satisfying activities of the last forty years of my life. Rotary has given me a level of self-satisfaction and the feeling of being a part of something that is bigger than me alone and really important. I would be pleased to share Rotary with you.

We need to refocus our thought about recruiting new members from the need for more numbers and dollars toward the idea that there are millions of people in our society who need self-satisfaction and a feeling of being a part of something bigger than themselves. These are things they can’t buy at Nordstrom’s, but you can share it for just a minute of your time.

1 thought on “Elevator Talk”

  1. Great article Steve. We need more practical examples like this on the topic of Membership. We already have enough flyers and videos to share. Our members are often told to “just ask” but many do not know how, or feel comfortable asking.

    It is suggestions like this that may help members feel more comfortable sharing their Rotary experiences and stories. In doing so the enthusiasm will show through and they will not have to worry about questions they cannot respond to.

    PDG Doug V
    D7080 Ontario Canada

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