The first week of July is like magic in the world of Rotary. We shake off all of those old stodgy leaders of last week and hand the organization over to 34,000 new Rotary Club presidents. It is an act of faith wedded to a bit of hope that the new group will build on the success of the old and move us all forward.
Many years ago I was part of the breath of fresh air assuming the leadership of my Rotary Club. One helpful piece of advice passed on by my predecessor, Joe Lewis, included a copy of the Rotary Club constitution, by-laws and five years of financial statements. His advice was simple, “spend time studying these papers because they contain many of the answers to questions you will face over the next year.”
I pass that on to all of those 34,000 new Club presidents. After all is said and done, to quote Past RI President Cliff Dochterman, “This year will always be remembered as your year; one way or the other.”
The slate is blank, the needs and opportunities are great; build on the past and make this the best year ever for your Rotary Club.