I mentioned before that I probably was wrong in my idea about Rotary eClubs as Rotary lite. Now, I think every district should have an eClub related to that district,

The one that is in formation here in my district is the Rotary E club 5300. Here are some thoughts on why District 5300 should have an eClub. We have recently lost a few clubs because membership declines until you have too few people in the community. The former Rotary club becomes administrative nightmare where too much energy goes into just supporting a Rotary club. On a few occasions we tried to combine these clubs and we usually wind up losing two small clubs.

Temple City, the town where I grew up, lost their club a few year ago for precisely that reason. Along with a few other Rotarians, I made a valiant attempt to try to start a Rotary club there a few years ago without a positive outcome. Now I am thinking we should find a few people in Temple city, who used to be Rotarians and persuade them to the Rotary eClub and when a couple more join, they might get together for a cup of coffee on a social event once or twice a month and maybe do a service project. Pretty soon you might have enough people to create a Rotary club.

So there’s a there’s a great opportunity is also an opportunity work people are in the district and there between clubs and that there they don’t live in the same name of the used to live in and traveling to that club is difficult, but they like to go back once a month or so they could join the E club and they could go to the club meetings closer where they live. Now they can participate in various projects and very social events, and they might find another club they like better or they might just stay a member of the online E club will there’s an idea.

I think that that every district, every district should have any club peculiar to that district, and it doesn’t mean that you can have people joining from adjoining districts or are anyplace in the world, but the district should have a district centric club.