

The photo includes RI President Ron Burton and me while visiting the Rotary Float that Ron rode down Colorado Boulevard during the annual Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year’s Day 2014. It was my privilege to spend a little time with Ron, who I have known for several years.

The theme for the current Rotary year is Engage Rotary and Change Lives, and Ron is truly doing that as RI President. It was reinvigorating talking with him and thinking that Engaging people in Rotary is the central part of what I see as my role in Rotary as an old past everything. Come to think of it, that should be a central issue for every past everything and a lot of our future everything kind of members.

Engaging people (both members and others) in projects, fellowship and stewardship is fulfilling the essential message of the Object of Rotary; to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. President Ron has a great theme; let us all commit to carrying it out in the last half of this Rotary year.